What is a Blue Badge?

A Blue Badge allows some disabled people to park closer to their destination, as they are less able to walk long distances or take public transport.

Applicants must have an enduring and substantial disability, lasting for, or expected to for, at least three years.  This does not include temporary conditions or whilst recovering from surgery.

You can apply for a blue badge through Essex County Council. Click the link below to read more information, or to start your application

Apply for a Blue Badge | Essex County Council 

Am I eligible for a Blue Badge?

For full details about who is eligible for a blue badge, visit Who can get a blue badge | Essex County Council  You may be eligible if any of the following apply:

Can your GP help with this application?

Sometimes you will need to provide evidence to help the council decide whether or not you can have a blue badge. Depending on why you think you are entitled, your GP may or may not be able to write a letter to support your application. If you do require a letter from the GP, please note that this is non-NHS work and will incur a charge of £25. Please contact our Admin department at admin.hedmed@nhs.net  if you would like to request a letter.

Full information about all of these categories can be found at Supporting Documents | Essex County Council 

Eligibility reason

Can your GP support your application?

Non-visible disabilitiesNo – the evidence form must be completed by a professional involved in your care, but this cannot be your GP
You have a child under 3 with a disabilityYes
You have a terminal illnessYes – your GP may complete an SR1 form, which can also help with other benefits
You have a disability in both armsYes – however, if you have an adapted vehicle, GP support is not required
You have a walking disabilityYes – however, if you have other evidence of your disability, GP support is not required